Sunday 28 October 2012

Torro D'Argamunt (Nougat of Argamunt)

Here is something I found in trusty old Marks and Spencer's the other day and it is amazing!I have been fascinated by nougats ever since my trip to Valencia two months ago and I was thrilled to find that they had this brand on sale in Mark's and Spencer's, it is slightly pricey but worth every single penny I spent!

Vicen's Nougat (£4.99), the brand is called Torron's Vicens they are from a place called Agramunt in Spaim, the place is famous for its nougat which is known is Spanish as Torro. The company itself was founded by the Vicens family in 1775, it is 'one of the oldest industrial companies accredited by the protected geographical indication torro d'argument.
Their products are always handmade and use natural ingredients such as honey, almonds, hazelnuts and sugar. They have been making nougats for generations in the 'traditional artisan way'.

Well whatever they are doing, they are doing it right because it tasted amazing!!! Just as I remember when I ate it in Valencia!  So what are you waiting for, pop into a big M&S and buy one now!! Or I will buy it all!

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